My name is Flora Johnson.

I have been involved in many types of media and in the management of small businesses and nonprofits for about 40 years. During a long and varied life, I have been a journalist,  activist, editor, traveler, adult-education teacher, tech nerd, small-business owner, garden designer, and even a disc jockey.
As I come to the end of my working life, my goal is to use my skills and experience to benefit individuals, organizations, and small businesses whose work I believe in, especially those who are working to conserve and restore the Acadian Forest ecosystem in which I live.

In my next career, I hope to become either a philosopher or a stand-up comedian, preferably both.


Left, a photo of me with my friend and favorite client, Registered Professional Forester Patricia Amero of Picea Forestry Consulting. She's the tall beautiful one, and I'm the one in the yellow hat. The photo was taken on my woodlot by Patricia's husband and business partner, Sandy Hyde.